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Aktualne webinaria
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Katalog szkoleń
Learning is magic
Zapraszamy nauczycieli szkół podstawowych do obejrzenia nagrań ze szkoleń odbywających się pod hasłem „Learning is magic”.
Trener: Marta Prusińska, Magdalena Kania
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 2h 30:58
Data: 16.04.2020
MyEnglishLab: Your Solution for Anytime, Anywhere Learning
This video walks you through the features of Pearson ELT's Learning Management System, MyEnglishLab.
Trener: Janay Phillips
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 57:59
Data: 20.03.2020
How to teach exam students online with Gold Experience
Billie Jago shows how to use Pearson’s online resources to deliver engaging online classes and encourage independent learning.
Trener: Billie Jago
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 41:12
Data: 17.04.2020
How to teach exam students online
Billie Jago discusses the tools and strategies required to help motivate and maintain focus for exam students studying in an online environment.
Trener: Billie Jago
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 52:33
Data: 03.04.2020
Career Skills
Rachael Roberts explores how to help students develop useful life skills they will need in their future social, academic and professional lives.
Trener: Rachael Roberts
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 4h 40:07
Data: 14.02.2020
Classroom Mindfulness
This webinar series explores the basic concepts of mindfulness training, with practical tools to help you bring mindfulness into your ELT classroom.
Trener: Amy Malloy
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 2h 55:49
Data: 23.03.2020
Our Human Talents: Social Responsibility
Mike Mayor looks at social responsibility and explores how we can develop this skill in our students.
Trener: Mike Mayor
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 29:33
Data: 25.03.2020
Our Human Talents: Leadership
Mike Mayor explains what leadership is and how we can effectively teach it to our students.
Trener: Mike Mayor
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 28:50
Data: 18.03.2020
Our Human Talents: Self-management
Mike Mayor looks into ways we can help our students develop the skill of self-management.
Trener: Mike Mayor
Typ szkolenia: Webinarium
Czas trwania: 30:04
Data: 11.03.2020